Sunday, 27 May 2012


Not done anything for a few weeks, didn't really think this blogging malarchy was for me, but thought fuck it and giving it another go.

Yes it's going to be a bit ranty, but I think I've got a valid point with this one, and it's something that's probably happened to all of us, it's a generation of uninspiring writers and lazy twatbags. The topic is, one word answers and replies! (Predominantly via text/not in person)

The topic title itself is the laziest fucking to type in the world anyway, you've shortened a TWO LETTER WORD into one!! K is short for OK. What the absolute flying fuck is going on in the world, who does this! Stop it. Just stop it, take a look at yourself in the mirror and ask is this acceptable. No. What makes it even more unacceptable is when you reply JUST SAYING 'K'! How is that a valid reply to anything, how do you reply to someone who says that, it's a convo killer in itself.

Personally I get really annoyed with one word replies, I find it lazy, and generally a bit insulting as well. It makes  it fucking tricky to reply and really just kills the vibe of things. Maybe they do it because they don't want to chat, which is fair enough, but generally I think they just do it as a reaction. Often it's 'lol' which isn't even a word! Obviously now I'm talking in text replies and whatnot as opposed to in person, but how the hell can you reply with 1 word, that isn't even a fucking word! God it riles me. No originality, thought or personality. Please at least put 'K lol' I'd prefer that!

Maybe this just happens to me, maybe everyone hate's replying to me, maybe I moan too much, but fuck it I wanted to get my point across. So if you tend to reply with a singular word, please for the love of god, consider expanding it by a word or two, make things a bit more exciting! It'll be alot more appreciated.

Anyway that'll do me today, it's too hot to be typing lots and lots. Enjoy the sun!

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