Sunday, 30 December 2012

2013 Is A Coming!

Not written in here for a little bit so thought I should whack something up before we make it into 2013! Can't  say it'll be anything worth reading though!

So before we start, another pet peeve of mine is certainly Twitter/FB related and it's all this bloody moaning about the past year and saying how the new one is going to be a fresh start etc. It's bollocks. I'm fairly sure you're the same people who say the same thing every year. It's ridiculous, like just because we're in a new year you get some kind of new lust for life or something. No. Nothing changes, it's just the same as it was, except maybe a few people get a bit more drive. But I'm fairly sure you'll be the same fuckers moaning again at the end of 2013 saying bring on 2014! Sort it out.

It's not just the annoying cliché which is what pisses me off, it's what actually caused you to feel so sorry for yourself. As that's what it is, self pity, however you choose to dress it up. Oh has your 2012 left you utterly penniless, with no hope, maybe some loved ones passing away, and an incurable illness? Because if it's none of the previous, then it's really not been that bad a year. You're clearly still doing well enough to fucking Tweet in the first place! Imagine being in a 3rd World Country? Imagine being genuinely less well off? Being homeless and in a shelter, or your partner of 20 years plus passing away. THAT is something you can feel hard done by about - without a doubt, and I wouldn't dream of even questioning it. But it's not that. You're spoilt, and you moan about the smallest things. It's such a shame that people don't understand how lucky they are!
One of my followers said this earlier, I won't name and shame because I think she's a lovely girl who is very upbeat usually and I enjoy her tweets but today she basically said "Apart from all the nice holidays and getting a great job 2012 has been a shit year, bring on 2013!"
That utterly sums up my point. Look at that, how lucky is that person - I didn't have any holidays this year but I've not and won't complain at all. Unemployment is a horrible issue in this country, with so many people struggling to get ANY work. By my reckoning, 2012 has been a great year.

I think you get my point. Hopefully some of you share this pet peeve also.

So New Years Resolutions, who's doing them? I've never ever even considered one because I think it's bollocks. I quit smoking when I wanted to, and weaned myself off of them over 6 months, and I did that randomly in the middle of the year. It's willpower and I don't need some bullshit resolution to make me do it! However, this year I'm going to be a hypocrite and do one!
What is it? It's actually to give more/do more for charity. I've decided simply by being able to write this blog in my flat with my lovely wi fi with my central heating watching tv etc, that I'm already so lucky that doing some more for charity isn't very tricky and won't bankrupt me!
I've already begun by changing my work salary stuff, so that I automatically donate a small amount each month to a charity of my choice AND I helped paint a youth centre climbing hall thing for disabled kids which I found hard work but really rewarding. So I'm going to do more this year, donating and volunteering when I can. If anyone else is thinking the same or maybe after reading this, feels the same, let me know! :-)

Anyway, enough of this - I'm going to stop now and wish you all a Happy New Year, a great 2013, and let's hope it's better than 2012 ;-)


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